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Alkaline foods vs LDL cholesterol

A few months ago, I had my blood tested. Results showed that I was a bit high in
cholesterol, which made me realize that it's time for me to change my daily eating
habits. Many of us are aware that continued intake of cholesterol-LDL to be
specific-results in accumulation of fats and sticky blood in the blood vessel,
which eventually inhibit smooth circulation of blood. This can cause high blood
pressure and myocardial infarction. Basic treatments in curing circulatory disease
such as heart disease are to inhibit overindulgence of cholesterol and
instead take healthy food that makes your blood clean and clear.

Following is the list of food that will help you maintain clean blood.

• Grains such as brown rice, beans, mung beans and black rice are known to be
abundant in essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, fiber and minerals that
help excrete bodily wastes and clean the blood. Mung beans in particular can help
remove toxins in the blood, which have been accumulated by food, medicine or
heavy metal.

• Similarly, marine plants (algae) such as sea mustard, kelp, or seaweed is good for
blood-clearing in that the iodine and minerals contained in marine plants help
remove the toxins accumulated in the body and clean the blood.

• Vegetables, most if not all, are good for our health but there are some vegetables
that are specifically good for our blood cleansing. To name a few, those are
onions, cucumbers, carrots, water parsley, garlic, ginger, pepper, a crown
daisy and eggplants. For those of you who are meat-lovers, remember to take
meat with onions for it has the ability to control blood clotting. Mushrooms also
help prevent blood from clotting. Being the best-representing cancer-fighting
food, mushroom is good for strengthening of our immunity.

• Fish also contains abundant proteins of good quality that clear the blood. It is
recommended to take fish such as hairtail (cutlassfish), halibut (flatfish), tuna, red
sea-beam and seabass. However, blue-backed fish such as salmon, mackerel,
sardine contains lots of fats, so you should take only an appropriate amount.

As briefly mentioned above, to prevent circulatory disease such as heart disease,
one should not only inhibit the indulgence of cholesterol but also limit the
uptake of chlorine. Since use of diuretic can decrease the amount of potassium in
the body, consuming mineral-rich water such as BIOCERA Antioxidant Alkaline
water is necessary for supplementary purposes.

Reference: Health Chosun


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