Of course, the best way to prevent such pain is to visit a dentist regularly and get a check-up. but, when you feel a slight pain in your teeth when you consume cold foods and drinks, you should avoid acidic foods, which can melt your teeth. Our mouth's pH is 5.5 (slightly acidic) and thus, strong acid below this level may damage the enamel of our teeth. The acid causes demineralization, a process in which the minerals inside the tooth enamel are dissolved. If you sip a soda throughout the day, the bacteria in your mouth may be constantly producing acid and this can cause sensitivity in the short term and tooth decay in the long term. Instead of drinking strong acidic beverages, change your habit into drinking healthy, clean Antioxidant Alkaline water. Drinking alkaline water will not only help you refrain from getting stomachaches (from too many acidic foods) but also from suffering from toothaches. Think wise and drink for the health and happine...
with Biocera Co., Ltd.