Biocera Atozero Happy Showerhead
How Do We Prevent Skin from Drying/Aging? The core of " wintertime skincare " is to prevent the main cause for aging-dryness. One of the ways to prevent skin from drying is to use exfoliating gel, peeling cream or scrub to remove the "dead skin cells" on the skin surface. It is important to exfoliate because when dead skin cells stay and are accumulated on the skin surface, it first hinders perspirations, which is the process of eliminating/excreting wastes from the body. Then this leads into skin troubles. This is why many women exfoliate once or twice a week to maintain clear, healthy skin. However, one should also remember that excessive exfoliation can irritate the ski n. This is because in case of too much exfoliation, newly created cells can be as well removed with dead cells, thereby removing the protective shield or layer of skin. Thus, one must provide adequate amount of moisture and nutrients. Also, during winter, one experiences th...
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