How body mistakes hunger for thirst - we all know that thirst occurs when out body needs water. but did you know that when you do not drink enough water, your body receives mixed signals on huger? Apparently, dehydration causes you to believe you need to eat when you really need liquid intake. In this volume, we will discuss about chronic dehydration, in which the body mistakes hunger for thirst!
As you may have assumed water is the best answer for dehydration as it can easy quench thirst. Antioxidant Alkaline Water helps you not only feel better and fresher, but helps your body function normally, and fight and/or prevent disease. Moreover, water is the best (and the cheapest!) way to lose weight. It is scientifically proven that will eat less when you have adequate dehydration. Without further explanation, drinking more than 8 glasses (2 liters) of water a day will help prevent dehydration and make you fit and healthy!
Do you often feel hungry? before you grab something, think if you had enough water for the day. It might not be huger but thirst.
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