“Obesity or overweight is not a fat problem but it's an over-acid problem”
Robert O. Young PhD, a research scientist and the author of the book, "The pH Miracle for Weight Loss" on his interview with CNN, shared tips on balancing body chemistry to lose weight. He said, “Because our bodies constantly need energies, and there's waste product in energy production, which are acids, if our body does not eliminate acids through urination, perspiration or respiration, that acid gets on our hips, thighs, our waste lines, brain and this is what makes us fat."
The question is, how do we balance our body?
You should know what kinds of foods and drinks make you over-acidic. As we have discussed it at the last newsletter, one should avoid intake of too much acidic foods such as beef, chicken and pork, eggs, vinegar, soy sauce, mushrooms, corn, peanuts, dairy products, chocolate, tea and soda.
The fact is, most Americans’ diet is over-acidic. “If acids are constantly accumulated and not eliminated, they build up in our fatty, connected tissues, and make us fat." Instead, it is recommended to “eat green” or good healthy fats from fish such as sea bass, tuna, trout and salmon. Also, drinking Antioxidant Alkaline Water neutralizes our acidity and helps us be healthy and keeps us maintain pH balance.
USA Today
Biocera Previous Newsletter
Dr Robert Young on CNN talking about Alkaline water: